I Light Global Speaker Series: A weekly discussion forum high listing the challenges and solutions of the needy children of the world.

Anish Bachchan
3 min readJun 5, 2022

The rights of children are something everyone wants to talk about, but no one wants to try to bring a change. In a polarized socio-political climate in India, it’s difficult to talk about fundamental rights because someone would start to politicize them too. People often have second thoughts to practice their rights because then someone would be witch-hunting them. This is why in most cases, the rights of children are often ignored en masse.

At the same, some people are willing to bring changes themselves so that they could make the world a better place. I Light Global, is one such organization. It is led by many volunteers and members with the likes of Atulya, Pankaj, Tejuli, Anuradha, Sandeep, and Rekha.

The main objective of I Light Global is to provide nutritious food and education to the poor and migrant children. The organization has been making attempts to improve the lives of migrant children all over India and in other countries like Cambodia.

As of 22nd April 2022, Atulya joined a segment called “The Sunday Speaker Series” which is an interactive session. It aims to bring up the issues of the rights of children, particularly in the migrant community. The session happens every Sunday for at least one hour from 8 pm to 9 pm, where a particular speaker talks about the issues regarding children.

Atulya’s moderation, communication, and speaking abilities helped the speaker series to be more successful. Without her leadership skills, the interaction sessions would have been in jeopardy beyond repair.

Atulya brings speakers that are not only inspiring in their rights but have brought meaningful conversations to the table like:

· Pankaj Kumar: Education of children in Himachal Pradesh.

· Anish Bachchan: Teaching children how to write blogs online.

· Rekha Dogra: Her experience at I Light Global

· Sandeep Kaslhan: Teaching children the importance of a green environment.

· Neha Khullar: Discussion on Atomic Habits written James Clear and many more…

These speakers have widened the perspective and horizon of the children which could help them in their education, career, and their lives in general. Many children and adults with the likes of Sudesh, Pritish, Rosy, Anagah, Sonu, Dilip, Dr. Rajeev, etc. have not only enjoyed these sessions but also gave them a chance to open a channel of conversation with everyone in the session.

The future aim for Atulya is to bring speakers from all parts of the country and the world. That way they can express their own stories and experiences. For example,

· When Atulya brought Pankaj to talk about his experiences of teaching children in his home state of Himachal Pradesh,

· She brought Anish Bachchan to give his two cents about why he started writing articles.

· She had Rekha present her experiences in working for the organization.

That way, Atulya’s contribution has made I Light Global a force to be reckoned with. It also inspires the audience to bring light to their own experiences in the future which could make the organization more transparent and empathetic. That way, it can make help shape the lives of the children for the better.

